Ancient Prayers for Today’s Church


Join us on Thursday, April 24th for an inspiring webinar with author Robert Elmer and Dr. Todd R. Hains as we explore the powerful prayers of the early Church.

Discover timeless wisdom, learn from the faith of those who came before us, and deepen your own prayer life with ancient, time-tested practice.

“What if we could sit down with some of the most influential Christians in history, sharing their stories, dreams, and commitment to the truth of Scripture? What if we could pray the way the early church did? The way the Puritans did? Or the way the reformers did? That’s what the “Prayers of the Church” series is all about: Rediscovering devotional riches and depth of prayer.” - Robert Elmer


Maximizing Echo Prayer in Your Church

Do you love Echo Prayer and want to roll it out in your church, but don’t know where to start? Gain tips and tricks from the architects of the app to learn what Echo can look like in your unique ministry setting.


Building a Thriving
Prayer Culture

Receive inspiration from Peter Greer of HOPE International and practical tools from Echo Prayer that will give you insights and strategies to build a prayer culture that truly thrives. Download slides.


How to Amplify Prayer in Your Church


Pastor Matt Prine of Restoration Church Bryan shares how he uses Echo Prayer to build a culture of prayer in his congregation.